Downside of Obama strategy

8 03 2008

ArticlesThis article in The Washington Post analyzes the implications of losses in some of the most important states come the November elections.  The subtitle of the article states that these losses are “spurring general-election fears.”  I don’t believe this is the downside of Obama’s strategy though.  I think the downside is that the strategy attracts writers like the author of this article who casts doubt into the minds of millions by declaring to them, “You are afraid.”

People rant and rail against the press all the time for shaping the minds of voters.  They’re like modern brain washers, only no one seems to realize the gravity of the impact they’re making on the general public.  People get almost all their knowledge of the events outside their homes from the news.  Likewise, their own reality is shaped accordingly; they have no reason to believe most of that which is stated confidently to them might not be true.

To be fair, they’ve been casting unnecessary doubt on Hillary’s campaign for months now.  Both candidates have been in a near-tie since the beginning, and yet writers keep “unintentionally” insisting that people should or should not vote for someone based on possible outcomes of strategy.  These journalists are pulling conclusions from their behinds, publishing to the masses, and resultantly causing the conclusions to be just one step closer to coming true.

And why complain about strategy anyway?  We will see whether or not strategies is working or not based on which candidates are doing better than the others.  If assuming certain strategies will work better in the future is only going to affect the way the strategy is working now, I’d say the whole process is better just left alone.  Let the people just vote for once.

Barack Obama the true winner of Texas?

5 03 2008

NewsIt seems I may have been a little quick to corner the Democrats for supposed Satanic activity. As the results of the Ohio and Texas primaries rolled, a collective “Wha?” could be heard across the country. Someone’s sneaky little plans are finally working out for them and an abnormally large amount of people seem completely oblivious.


In a twist only made possible due to the present bizarre circumstances, many Republicans have started fighting dirty in an attempt to hijack the Presidential elections. Reports across both Ohio and Texas indicate that unreasonably large numbers of Democratic primary votes were pouring in from high-density Republican areas. This finally exposed a hole in the two-party system that should have been destroyed years ago; because the primaries aren’t party exclusive, supporters of John McCain can actually choose to vote in the Democratic primaries for Hillary Clinton. But why would they do this?

Because John McCain had already all but clinched the Republican nomination, a vote for him seemed a wasted vote. However, recent polls have suggested Barack Obama would win the Presidency over John McCain, but Hillary Clinton would not. Therefore, basic logic says to vote for Hillary in the Democratic primary so that she can earn the Democratic nomination and ultimately lose to John McCain.

In my previous post, I stated a Democrat would win the Presidency unless something significant and unforeseen occurred. Who would have thought that it would have happened mere hours later? It seems that some Republican supporters are demons after all, leaving speculation as to whether there is a God-loving candidate left. Mike Huckabee? Oh wait… darn, he’s out…

I swear that if the Democratic party doesn’t see through this and allows Hillary Clinton to go on (even though it’s near impossible anyway) and lose the John McCain, they deserve the loss.

The Antichrist for President?

4 03 2008

ArticlesThere is an odd little buzz going around drawing attention the Barack Obama’s similarities to the Biblical Antichrist. There are even blogs being created for the sake of pondering this question. It struck me as odd because I was under the impression that Hillary Clinton was supposed to be the butt of all jokes Satan-related. Now I’m supposed to believe both Democratic candidates are apostles of evil?


This worries me only because I’m still confident of my assertion that a Democrat will be the next President of the United States. George W. Bush’s approval ratings are still pushing for new lows, so I don’t see how the percentage for his Republican successor, John McCain, could go above 50%. Then again, unforeseen events always have the potential to completely change the direction of anyone’s campaign.

I maintain that if nothing substantial happens in the U.S. or the world between now and the Fall, the Democratic candidate will win the Presidency. Therefore, it’s extremely important what happens in the Democratic Primaries today, primarily in Ohio and Texas. We could be choosing quite literally the lesser of two evils, either Satan or the Antichrist. We’ve been faced with campaigns that deliberate non-issues like Health Care, Iraq, and immigration. It’s time we look at the real issue.

Teachings suggest that the Antichrist will rise to power via the same path as the true Chris, with great charisma and messages of peace and hope. He will be given spiritual powers by dark forces as well as by people who see him as a modern messiah. Finally, he will obtain authority over the entire Earth and become untouchable by all mortals who oppose him.

Satan, on the other hand, has had a much broader spectrum of meanings for people. Generally, it is used to describe either Lucifer, the Fallen Angel, or to any of many embodiments of evil and temptation. Many believe we are dealing with the works of Satan on a daily basis.

Between the two, one path is obviously much more bleak than the other. However, when people rally so fervently for “change,” change will come, whether it be good or bad. We have dealt with Hillary’s kind before, but are we really prepared for what change may come with Barack?

Over before it begins

5 02 2008

NewsAs much as we wouldn’t want to admit it, Super Tuesday may be the end of the Presidential Race. There has been a lot of news about which Democrat is ahead among the Democrats and which Republican is ahead among the Republicans, but there has been little news on who’s ahead between the Democrats and Republicans. If elections and Iraq War’s approval ratings are any indication, the country may be swinging Democrat plenty enough to make the final election merely symbolic.

It’s rather unfortunate that this is the case. Our two-party system and the clear similarities between John McCain and George W. Bush nearly preclude him from being considerable. Assuming he wins the nomination over Mitt Romney, it’s hard to imagine the U.S. as it is now voting a majority for him.

This leaves us with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the remaining Democratic candidates. Depending on how Super Tuesday goes, either candidate could have nearly enough delegates to secure the nomination. If previous primaries are any indication, though, it could also be an extremely tight race simply for the Democratic nomination. People say they’re not getting involved in the presidential race yet because it’s too early. Any longer and it might be too late.